金沙荟萃 What's On

WHAT’S NEW 第��期 ・ ����年�月及�月 ISSUE �� · JANUARY & FEBRUARY ���� 滋味美馔 ���+ DINING CHOICES 本期潮流热点 ��� LUXURY DUTY- FREE SHOPS 本期焦点 福蛇贺岁 金沙呈祥 Season of Prosperity at Sands Resorts Macao 海滨奇想:龙虾国王畅“游”澳门 Coastal Fantasia: King Lobster’s Vacation in Macao 全艺社秋季沙龙 AFA Autumn Salon 全新澳门AP House高雅 进驻四季名店 AP House Macau Opens in Shoppes at Four Seasons

CONTENT 01 07 19 36 全新澳门AP House高雅进驻四季名店 19AP House Macau Opens in Shoppes at Four Seasons 福蛇贺岁 金沙呈祥 01Season of Prosperity at Sands Resorts Macao 海滨奇想:龙虾国王畅“游”澳门 07Coastal Fantasia: The Lobster King’s Vacation in Macao 全艺社秋季沙龙 28AFA Autumn Salon 会员特选新年臻礼 - 轩尼诗X.O、世界级龙舌兰、 海味珍品 36 Member Exclusive CNY Gifts - Hennessy X.O, World-Class Tequila, Seafood Hampers 目录

CONTENT 01 19 14 07 汉普阁:伦敦人名汇的贵宾专属会所 14Hampton Court: Residence Club at Londoner Grand 福蛇贺岁 金沙呈祥 01Season of Prosperity at Sands Resorts Macao 海滨奇想:龙虾国王畅“游”澳门 07Coastal Fantasia: The Lobster King’s Vacation in Macao 全新澳门AP House高雅进驻四季名店 19AP House Macau Opens in Shoppes at Four Seasons 全艺社秋季沙龙 28AFA Autumn Salon 目 录

金沙祥云盈喜气,新岁蛇跃涌春潮!澳门金沙度假区处处洋 溢着年节喜气,无论是酒店喜庆的节日装饰,还是餐厅的新 春美馔,每一细节都在传递着对新年的美好祝愿。期待在这 个充满希望的传统佳节相聚,以一系列的贺岁活动及开运 盛宴,与你和亲朋好友喜气洋洋迎新岁。 As we bid farewell to the Year of the Dragon and usher in the vibrant Year of the Snake, Sands Resorts Macao is brimming with festive cheer. With colourful holiday decorations adorning the hotels and sumptuous culinary delights gracing the restaurants, every detail resonates with the heartfelt wishes for a prosperous new year. We look forward to welcoming you and your loved ones with a series of festive events and culinary delights. 福蛇贺岁 金沙呈祥 Season of Prosperity at Sands Resorts Macao 01

为庆祝新春佳节,一系列欢欣鼓舞的贺岁节目在澳门各处 精彩纷呈,当中包括:澳门金沙度假区旗下的拜神祈福仪式 及舞龙醒狮贺岁活动、澳门中区的龙腾舞跃贺新春、西湾湖 附近的农历新年花车汇演,以及烟花表演等,寓意在新一年 “蛇”来运转、好运亨通! To celebrate the Chinese New Year, an array of exciting festivities will be staged in Macao, including the Bai Sun Ceremony and Dragon and Lion Dance at Sands Resorts Macao, the Golden Dragon Parade in the Central District, Fireworks Displays for Celebration of the Lunar New Year and Parade for Celebration of the Year of the Snake nearby Sai Van Lake Square. All designed to bring you good fortune, prosperity and vitality in the Year of the Snake! 02

Chinese New Year Event Highlights 精彩贺岁活动 龙腾舞跃贺新春 1月29至30日|农历正月初一及初二 大三巴牌坊 Golden Dragon Parade Jan 29 - 30 Ruins of St. Paul’s 拜神祈福仪式及舞龙醒狮贺岁活动 1月30日|农历正月初二 金沙旗下综合度假区 Bai Sun Ceremony and Dragon & Lion Dance Jan 30 Sands Resorts Macao 活动时间及安排以主办单位公布为准。 Event schedule and arrangements subject to update and amendment from the organisers. 03

活动时间及安排以主办单位公布为准。 Event schedule and arrangements subject to update and amendment from the organisers. 农历新年花车汇演 1月31日及2月8日| 农历正月初三及十一 西湾湖广场 Parade for Celebration of the Year of the Snake Jan 31 and Feb 8 Sai Van Lake Square Chinese New Year Event Highlights 精彩贺岁活动 农历新年烟花表演 1月31日、2月4日及12日| 农历正月初三、初七及十五 西湾湖广场海面 Chinese New Year Fireworks Displays Jan 31 , Feb 4 and Feb 12 Seafront of Sai Van Lake Square 04

澳门金沙度假区旗下食府呈献一系列开运佳餚飨宴欢度新 岁,以精湛厨艺奉上一道道富有不同祝福寓意的开运美馔,让 你与家人好友聚首共庆新春的同时,吃出丰足吉祥好意头! Indulge in a hearty reunion dinner at our signature restaurants this Chinese New Year. Across the resorts you will find a delightful array of special delicacies to celebrate the Year of the Snake, featuring celebratory Chinese flavours and auspicious dishes that are said to bring luck and prosperity. 佳节之味 欢贺新岁 Culinary Delights to Usher in the Year of the Snake 富贵盘菜 ‒ 品粤轩 Superior Poon Choi - Pin Yue Xuan 05

From January 28 to February 5, 2025 2025年1月28日至2025年2月5日 Date 日 期 +853 8118 8822 Booking 预 订 扫码获取更多餐饮选择 Scan code for more dining options 八宝饭 ‒ 醉江南 Eight Treasures Steamed Sweet Glutinous Rice Parcel with Kernel - Jiang Nan 红烧狮子头 ‒ 醉江南 Red Braised "Lion's Head" Meat Dumplings in Broth - Jiang Nan 旺年鲍捞鸡 ‒ 品粤轩 Mixed Vegetables with Abalone Fillet and Sunflower Chicken, Deep-fried Taro Slice in Sesame Sauce - Pin Yue Xuann 06

Prepare to dive into a wave of artistic wonder! Sands China is bringing the international renowned British pop artist Philip Colbert to Macao for a city takeover with his iconic lobsters. This grand-scale art event will unfold across multiple locations in Macao including the coastal area of Macao Science Center waterfront, the outdoor Lagoon at The Venetian Macao, ‧ART Space at Macao Cultural Centre 1F, and the revitalisation area under Sands China Ltd. of the former Iec Long Firecracker Factory and the Taipa Houses. 准备好迎接艺术的浪潮了吗?金沙 中国邀请到英国著名波普艺术家 Philip Colbert与他标志性的卡通龙 虾IP,在澳门开展一场水陆艺术探 索之旅!这场大规摸的艺术活动在 澳门多个地点展出,包括澳门科学 馆前方海堤、澳门威尼斯人户外人 工湖、‧ART空间(澳门文化中心 一楼)、以及金沙中国旗下的活化 片区氹仔益隆炮竹厂旧址和龙环 葡韵等地。 January 15 to March 16, 2025 2025年1月15日至3月16日 Event Dates 活动日期 海滨奇想: 龙虾国王畅“游”澳门 Coastal Fantasia: King Lobster’s Vacation in Macao 07

位于澳门威尼斯人户外人工湖上的“龙虾国王金光大道之 旅”高达7米,而位于澳门科学馆前方海堤对开的“龙虾国王 海上游”更达15米高;一系列主题龙虾雕塑亦同时进驻澳门 科学馆的海滨区域,合力为澳门的海岸线增添色彩!让你在 欣赏艺术的同时,提升保护海洋生态的意识。 Towering at 7 metres, the “Lobster Flamingo” will be showcased at the outdoor Lagoon of The Venetian Macao, while the "Lobster Submarine," reaching a staggering height of 15 metres, will be positioned at the open sea area near the Macao Science Center. A series of themed lobster sculptures will also be dotted along the shoreline to enhance the coastal landscape of Macao, raising awareness for ocean conservation as visitors immerse themselves in this unique artistic experience. A Dialogue Between Art and the Ocean 艺术与海洋的对话 08

The “Journey to the Lobster Planet Macao” exhibition will take place from January 15 to February 15, 2025, in ‧ART Space at Macao Cultural Centre 1F. The exhibition will showcase over 20 newly created artwork pieces, including oil paintings and sculptures. Philip Colbert who is also the curator of this exhibition promises a visual feast for all attendees. A Symphony of Art and Creativity 艺术与创意的谱系 A Connection between Art and Community 艺术与社区的相伴 “Philip Colbert澳门艺术之旅”的活动于2025年 1月15日至3月16日在益隆炮竹厂旧址举行, 期间一座高达4米的“烟花龙虾国王”将全新 登场;另一边厢,2米高的“葡国公鸡龙虾先生”将进驻龙环 葡韵,届时多个主题龙虾雕塑将同时为片区注入新活力,为 金沙中国的活化项目增添亮眼之作! “龙虾星球澳门之旅”展览于2025年1月15日 至2月15日在‧ART空间(澳门文化中心一楼) 举行,展出一系列Philip Colbert经典卡通龙虾元素为题,包 括油画及艺术雕塑等逾二十件精选作品。 09

限量发售的卡通龙虾主题商品更能让 你把这份独特的艺术体验带回家!快 来参与这场艺术与庆祝交融的盛典, 一同开启充满创意和欢乐的新一年 吧! “Philip Colbert’s Macao Art Tour at Old Taipa Village” activities will be held from January 15 to March 16, 2025. A spectacular 4-metre-high “Lobster Firecracker” will make its debut at the former Iec Long Firecracker Factory while a 2-metre-high “Lobster Cockerel” will be placed at the Taipa Houses. These vibrant themed lobster sculptures will infuse new life into the community, enhancing Sands China Ltd.'s revitalisation projects. Exclusive Merchandise 周边商品 10

扫码了解更多 Scan for more details Limited-edition cartoon lobster-themed merchandise will also be available. Take this unique artistic experience home with you. Join us for this celebration of art and festivities, and together, let’s usher in a new year filled with creativity and joy! 11

The highly anticipated “NBA Legends Celebrity Game Presented by Sands China” took place on Dec. 7, 2024, at the recently-renovated The Venetian Arena. Featuring a stellar lineup of NBA legends, pop superstars and influencers, the sold-out event treated audiences to a thrilling evening of sports and entertainment. 门票一开卖便火速售罄的“金沙中国呈献 - NBA 传奇名人赛” 于2024年12月7日在全新升级的威尼斯人综艺馆圆满落幕, 当晚全场情绪高涨,座无虚席,为来自世界各地的球迷、名人 与宾客带来了一场精彩刺激的体育娱乐盛宴! “金沙中国呈献-NBA传奇名人赛” 精彩花絮全纪录 Highlights from the “NBA Legends Celebrity Game Presented by Sands China” 特雷西·麦克格雷迪和雷·阿伦争球 Tracy McGrady and Ray Allen(Centre) Tipping off 12

雷·阿伦 Ray Allen 郑秀文 Sammi Cheng 林峯 Raymond Lam 托尼‧帕克(中间) Tony Parker (Centre) 卡蒂诺‧莫布里 Cuttino Mobley 德马库斯·考辛斯 DeMarcus Cousins 13

完美结合当代高雅与传统魅力的伦敦人名滙贵宾专属会所 “汉普阁”于2025年1月24日全新开幕。三层高的社交空间由 伦敦着名室内建筑及设计工作室BradyWilliams设计,灵感源于 英国历史悠久的汉普顿宫,融合都铎与巴洛克式建筑风格,每 个角落都散发着华贵的气息。整个空间让宾客彷彿走进了一段 充满盛世光芒的历史旅程,体验奢华且尊荣的专属会所体验。 汉普阁设有多个主题餐饮空间:宾客可在二楼的Henry’s Kitchen和三楼典雅的The Great Hall享用丰盛奢华的自助 早餐、下午茶;在设计时尚的Bard’s Bar享受鸡尾酒时刻;奇 幻独特的Jester’s Corner则为你精心制作甜点。 汉普阁:伦敦人名汇的 贵宾专属会所 Hampton Court: Residence Club at Londoner Grand 14

Londoner Grand L2 伦敦人名汇2楼 Location 地 点 Scheduled to open on January 24, Londoner Grand’s residence club Hampton Court intertwines contemporary elegance with traditional British charm. The three-storey social space, designed by London-based interior architecture and design studio, Brady Williams, has been inspired by the historic Hampton Court Palace, blending Tudor and Baroque architectural styles. The key design vision was an exclusive private club, which has been achieved through grandeur and interior styling. Hampton Court is sophisticated, indulgent and warmly welcoming. Hampton Court features several food and beverage areas: guests can enjoy a sumptuous buffet and breakfast and dinner buffet in the Tudor-style Henry’s Kitchen on the second floor and the elegant The Great Hall on the third floor, which also serves afternoon tea. Cocktails can be savoured in the stylish Bard's Bar, while the playful Jester's Corner crafts exquisite desserts just for you. 扫码了解更多 Scan for more details 15

全新餐饮体验:伦敦人美食园 New Dining Experience: Chelsea Garden 伦敦人美食园以现代时尚的姿态,让宾客在花园般的露天氛 围中,开启难忘的舌尖旅程。这间美食广场以原为蔬果花卉 市场的伦敦柯芬园为设计灵感,提供超过250款美食佳餚, 包括粤菜、台湾菜、湘菜、川菜、潮州菜,以至港式茶餐厅和澳 门街头美食。配合精巧的设计细节及Streetmosphere街头 艺术家的表演,伦敦人美食园营造出热闹欢快的市场氛围, 打造让人目不暇给的全新美食体验。 16

Chelsea Garden showcases a contemporary design ambience, inviting guests to dive into an unforgettable culinary adventure in a vibrant, floral-themed setting. Drawing inspiration from London’s historic Covent Garden, a former vegetable and flower market, the food hall offers over 250 dishes, featuring Cantonese, Taiwanese, Hunan, Sichuan, and Chao Zhou. It also showcases Hong Kong café classics and Macanese street food. The dining area’s fun and lively ambience has been achieved through both the interior detailing and the presence of Streetmosphere performers, creating a vibrant culinary experience that excites and delights the senses. 各式饺子及点心 Varied Dim Sum and Dumplings 精选潮州美馔 Selected Chao Zhou Cuisine 17

Operation hours 营业时间 24 Hours 24小时 Level 1, Londoner Grand 伦敦人名汇1楼 Location 地 点 茶餐厅美食及点品 Hong Kong-style Cuisine and Pastries 香辣川湘美食 Piquant Sichuan and Hunan Cuisine 扫码了解更多 Scan for more details 18

全新澳门AP House佔地两层,让宾客沉浸在充满温暖氛围 的现代设计空间中,感受澳门和爱彼诞生地瑞士汝拉山谷的 传统、现代文化及自然环境。作为大中华地区最大的门店,澳 门AP House将爱彼实验式的零售概念提升至另一层次。 1875年创立以来,爱彼以布拉苏丝为总部,培育了一代又一代才华 洋溢的工匠,不断开发新颖技法与技术,拓展工艺极限,打破陈规 创新潮流。在瑞士侏罗山脉的心脏地带汝拉山谷(ValléedeJoux), 爱彼推出无数杰作,这些优秀的作品验证了品牌世代传承的匠人 工艺与高瞻远瞩的精神。藉由不断突破极限并且结合不同创意领 域,爱彼将持续探索未知疆域,创建可共享源源不绝灵感的社群。 全新澳门 AP House高雅 进驻四季名店 AP House Macau Opens in Shoppes at Four Seasons 19

Spread over two floors, the new AP House Macau immerses visitors in a contemporary and warm atmosphere that evokes the heritage, modernity and natural environments of both Macao and the brand’s home in the Vallée de Joux, Switzerland. The largest of its kind in the Greater China region, AP House Macau takes Audemars Piguet’s experiential approach to retail to new heights. Based in Le Brassus since 1875, the company has nurtured generations of talented craftspeople who have continuously developed new skills and techniques, broadening their savoir-faire to set rule-breaking trends. In the Vallée de Joux, at the heart of the Swiss Jura, Audemars Piguet has created numerous masterpieces, testament to the Manufacture’s ancestral savoir-faire and forward-thinking spirit. By pushing the boundaries of what is possible and building bridges between different creative worlds, Audemars Piguet has been able to explore new horizons and build an inspired community. Shop 1040a, Level 1, Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季名店1楼1040a号铺 Location 地 点 20

Masters Series: Jewellery & Watches sets the stage for an unparalleled presentation of jewellery and watches, featuring a select collection of illustrious luxury brands. From December 1, 2024 to February 28, 2025, discover our jewellery & watch masterpieces through a unique pop-up exhibition at DFS Macau, Shoppes at Four Seasons. Masters Series: Jewellery & Watches Sets the Stage “匠心典藏:珠宝与腕表”活动隆重亮相 “匠心典藏:珠宝与腕表”活动隆重亮相,将一场无与伦比的 珠宝及腕錶鉴赏盛宴呈现眼前。 2024年12月1日至2025年2月28日,欢迎亲临位于迪斐世 澳门四季名店的独特快闪展览,探索全球最负盛名品牌的 华美珠宝及卓越腕表。 21

DFS Macau, Shoppes at Four Seasons 迪斐世澳门四季名店 Location 地 点 扫码了解更多 Scan for more details 22

Floating Flower Garden: Flowers and I are of the Same Root, the Garden and I are One 漂浮的花园-花朵与我同根同源,花园与我合为一体 尽情探索 “澳门teamLab超自然空间” teamLab SuperNature Macao Delights Visitors “澳门teamLab超自然空间”推出的两组新作品空间,为访 客带来更多触动心弦的体验,包括由超过8,000朵兰花构建 而成的互动花园“漂浮的花园-花朵与我同根同源,花园与 我合为一体”以及于“EN TEA HOUSE”欣赏在茶碗中绽放的 花朵。此外,“光之雕刻-平面”系列揭晓新面貌,而“自律抽 象画,从宇宙到自身存在的连续现象”也取代其中一个现有 作品,令观赏体验更具沉浸感,万勿错过! 23

teamLab SuperNature Macao continues to impress and engage visitors with its two latest immersive artwork spaces, “Floating Flower Garden: Flowers and I are of the Same Root, the Garden and I are One”, an interactive garden artwork composed of over 8,000 living orchids that bloom in mid-air as if floating in space, and EN TEA HOUSE where visitors can watch “Flowers Bloom in an Infinite Universe inside a Teacup”. In addition, the “Light Sculpture - Plane” series has undergone a major renewal, becoming even more immersive and “Autonomous Abstraction, Continuous Phenomena from the Universe to the Self” has been added. Autonomous Abstraction, Continuous Phenomena from the Universe to the Self 自律抽象画,从宇宙到自身存在的连续现象 24

艺术团队teamLab把占地5,000平方米、高达八米的超巨型 作品群打造成一个精密复杂的立体交互空间。它同时也是个 探索人与自然,以及对世界的新认知的“沉浸式互动体验艺 术空间”,通过超越身体与艺术之间界限的体验,重新定义自 我与世界之间界限的感知,从而探索我们与世界的连续性的 新认知。 Flowers Bloom in an Infinite Universe inside a Teacup 绽放在茶碗里那无限宇宙中的花朵 25

teamLab SuperNature Macao is an immersive interactive experience, featuring cutting-edge art installations by art collective teamLab, in a massive and complex, three-dimensional space. The permanent exhibition spans over 5,000 square metres of labyrinthine floor space with impressive eight-metre high ceilings, creating a “body-immersive” art space where visitors redefine their perception of the boundaries between the self and the world. Tea Tree 茶树 26

Cotai Expo, The Venetian Macao 澳门威尼斯人 金光会展 Location 地 点 11am – 7pm 上午11时-晚上7时 Time 时 间 Regular ticket Adult MOP288 | Child MOP208 Additional fees apply for new artworks 基础门票 成人 澳门币288 | 儿童 澳门币208 全新作品需额外收费 Price 票 价 基础门票优惠 酒店住客尊享7折优惠; 另凭澳门金沙度假区任何餐厅收据 或金光飞航船票享85折。 Admission Ticket Offer Hotel guests can enjoy 30% off. Present receipts from Sands Resorts Macao restaurants or Cotai Water Jet ferry tickets to receive 15% off. Scan for Details 扫码了解详情 27

全艺社秋季沙龙 AFA Autumn Salon 澳门巴黎人的每个角落都散发着色彩缤纷的冬日活力,准备 迎接艺术爱好者们的到来,参加极具盛誉的本地文化盛 事⸺“全艺社秋季沙龙”。 作为澳门巴黎人“乐享法式生活”系列活动的其中一环,“全 艺社秋季沙龍”展览由即日起至2025年3月25日在巴黎人购 物中心举行,一共横跨八个展厅,展出超过113位艺术家的 200件多元创作作品。每个展厅都以独特的视角展示不同艺 术媒材、作品性质和艺术取向,从传统油画和陶瓷到当代数 位装置和波普艺术,展开一场跨代的艺术对话。 28

Every corner of The Parisian Macao comes alive with vibrant colours, welcoming art enthusiasts to the much-anticipated local cultural event – “AFA Autumn Salon”. As part of The Parisian Macao's “Joie De Vivre at The Parisian” series, the " AFA Autumn Salon" is being held until March 25, 2025 at Shoppes at Parisian. Spanning eight bespoke exhibition halls, this event showcases over 200 diverse works by more than 113 artists. The layout of the exhibition is thoughtfully organised according to artistic media, the nature of the creations, and stylistic orientations. From traditional oil paintings and ceramics to contemporary digital installations and pop art, the event fosters a rich, cross-generational artistic dialogue. 扫码了解更多 Scan for more details 29

冬日精选滋养护理 Exclusive Nourishing Care Collection for Winter 佳节水疗庆典 澳门币�,���*起 Celebratory Spa Journey from MOP�,���* 到访澳门瑞吉水疗中心,沉浸于150分钟卡罗琳精选的精致 体验,包括30分钟去角质身体磨砂,60分钟特色身体按摩和 60分钟亮肌面部护理,以奢华的水疗时刻开启佳节庆典。 推广日期:2024年12月1日至2025年2月28日 *价格须另加5%政府税; 条款及细则适用 30

At The Spa at The St. Regis Macao, celebrate the festive season in style with a 150-minute sensorial treatment from Caroline’s Collection – for a uniquely exquisite retreat, including 30-minute exfoliating body scrub, 60-minute signature body massage and 60-minute radiance facial. Promotion Period: December 1, 2024 to February 28, 2025 *Price is subject to 5% government tax; Terms & Conditions apply +853 8113 4949 Reservation 预 订 St. Regis Spa, Level 38, The St. Regis Macao 澳门瑞吉酒店38楼,瑞吉水疗中心 Location 地 点 31

60分钟的全身按摩巧妙地融合了亚洲与欧洲的按摩技艺精 粹,配合温热的柑橘和肉桂精油,促进全身气血流动,缓解 压力和肌肉紧绷状态。再搭配法国海洋专业护理品牌 Thalgo 进行60分钟的螺旋藻赋活亮彩面部护理,焕发肌肤 活力。完成此疗程后,宾客将获赠“Thalgo海洋赋活焕采面 膜”,让您的皮肤在家也能保持活力光彩状态。 推广日期:2024年12月1日至2025年2月28日 *所有价格须另加5%政府税;条款及细则适用 ���分钟奢享冬日焕活护理 澳门币 �,���*起 ���-minute Winter Glow from MOP�,���* 32

Indulge in a 60-minute deeply therapeutic massage combining practiced Asian and European techniques, with grounding oils of mandarin and warming cinnamon oils to improve the energy flow and circulation. This seasonal ritual is completed with another 60-minute Thalgo Spiruline Booster Marine Facial to revive dull and tired skin. Package includes a complimentary Thalgo Beauty Radiance Mask to take home. Promotion Period: December 1, 2024 to February 28, 2025 *Price is subjected to 5% government tax; Terms & Conditions apply. +853 8111 1221 Reservation 预 订 Le SPA’tique, Level 6, The Parisian Macao 澳门巴黎人6楼,丽舍水疗中心 Location 地 点 33

疗程以90分钟的深层按摩展开,环绕在温暖的热石中,令全身 心享受着深度的疗愈。使用与冬季最为契合、混合百里香和杜 松的“水”元素精油,平衡和调理体内多余的水分。配合30分钟 面部护理疗程让肌肤补水,提供充分的滋养。沉浸于舒缓的茉 莉花和橙花香气中,引领您进入深度放松状态,一夜好眠。 推广日期:2024年12月1日至2025年2月28日 *所有价格须另加5%政府税;条款及细则适用 ���分钟LAPIDEM暖冬疗愈之旅 澳门币�,���*起 ���-minute LAPIDEM Winter Warmer from MOP�,���* 34

+853 8113 6188 Reservation 预 订 Bodhi Spa, Level 3, Conrad Macao 澳门康莱德酒店3楼,菩提水疗 Location 地 点 The massage begins with the healing energy of the warm stones combined with a deep, flowing 90-miunte massage. Using a blend of Thyme and Juniper, the elemental oil of ‘water’ is most associated with the winter season, working to balance and eliminate excess fluid in the body. It is also complemented with a 30-minute facial treatment that hydrates and nourishes the skin. Soothing aromas of jasmine and neroli lull you into a deep relaxation ready for a good night's sleep. Promotion Period: December 1, 2024 to February 28, 2025 *Price is subjected to 5% government tax; Terms & Conditions apply. 35