金沙荟萃 What's On

WHAT’S NEW 第��期 ・ ����年��月及��月 ISSUE �� · NOVEMBER & DECEMBER ���� 滋味美馔 ���+ DINING CHOICES 本期潮流热点 ��� LUXURY DUTY- FREE SHOPS 本期焦点 澳门伦敦人全新篇章:伦敦人名汇 A New Chapter of The Londoner Macao: Londoner Grand 江南新韵 海鲜与辣意的飨宴 Jiang Nan’s Bold New Menu ‒ A Feast of Seafood and Spice 高级腕表品牌FRANCK MULLER 与Jacob & Co. 进驻澳门威尼斯人 FRANCK MULLER and Jacob & Co. Unveil New Store in The Venetian Macao “盛世回归⸺宏物微观” 澳门当代杰出艺术家展 “Echoes of a Golden Age: Macao’s Legendary Contemporary Artists”Exhibition

CONTENT 01 10 25 05 江南新韵 海鲜与辣意的飨宴 10Jiang Nan’s Bold New Menu – A Feast of Seafood and Spice 澳门伦敦人全新篇章:伦敦人名汇 01A New Chapter of The Londoner Macao: Londoner Grand 全新餐饮体验:伦敦人美食园 05New Dining Experience: Chelsea Garden 高级腕表品牌FRANCK MULLER与Jacob & Co.进驻 澳门威尼斯人 13 FRANCK MULLER and Jacob & Co. Unveil New Store in The Venetian Macao “盛世回归⸺宏物微观”澳门当代杰出艺术家展 25“Echoes of a Golden Age: Macao’s Legendary Contemporary Artists” Exhibition 目录

澳门伦敦人全新篇章: 伦敦人名汇 A New Chapter of The Londoner Macao: Londoner Grand 01

Grand Stay: New Rooms and Suites 非凡之居:全新客房与套房 伦敦人名汇拥有2,405间客房及套房,由屡获殊荣的Peter Silling & Associates设计事务所设计,以乔治式建筑为灵感 打造。雅致的房间散发着伦敦著名的梅费尔区联排别墅的 优雅氛围,强调空间感、比例及自然采光,在精致与舒适之 间达到完美平衡。 部分套房设有私人阳台、精巧的家庭房、设备齐全的媒体 室,为独具品位的旅行者打造非凡住宿体验。 Designed by award-winning Peter Silling & Associates, the hotel is a masterpiece of Georgian-inspired architecture, and its meticulously crafted 2,405 rooms and suites radiate an elegant townhouse ambience inspired by London’s prestigious Mayfair district. With an emphasis on form, proportion, and natural light the interior spaces strike a perfect balance between sophistication and comfort, featuring spacious open-plan living and dining areas that organically encourage socialising. For those seeking the ultimate indulgence, select suites offer private terraces, dedicated family room, and fully equipped media rooms. 02

训练有素的名汇精英团队坚持以高标准的服务,为您带来 贴心及超越期待的体验:踏进大堂,瞩目型格的名汇门卫将 热情地迎接您的到来,与您合照留念;身穿华服的闪烁皇后 隆重现身,送上令人印象深刻的欢迎仪式;名汇管家等精英 团队成员则将为您妥善安排好一切,以贴心卓越的服务打 造非凡的入住体验。 Grand Hospitality: A-Team 超越期待的款客之道:名汇精英团队 Our highly trained A-Team is dedicated to exceeding expectations, guaranteeing guests a fulfilling and memorable stay. From the moment you arrive, the uber stylish Grand Doorman makes a lasting first impression with an iconic warm greeting and is always happy to pause for a photo. The dazzling Sparkling Queen captivates with her stunning and dramatic outfit, performing an impressive welcome ceremony. While the Grand Butlers are trained in the finer art of living, providing an exceptional level of intuitive care during the length of your Grand Stay. 03


New Dining Experience: Chelsea Garden 全新餐饮体验:伦敦人美食园 伦敦人美食园以现代时尚的姿态,让宾客在花园般的露天氛 围中,开启难忘的舌尖旅程。这间美食广场以原为蔬果花卉 市场的伦敦柯芬园为设计灵感,提供超过250款美食佳餚, 包括粤菜、台湾菜、湘菜、川菜、潮州菜,以至港式茶餐厅和澳 门街头美食。配合精巧的设计细节及Streetmosphere街头 艺术家的表演,伦敦人美食园营造出热闹欢快的市场氛围,, 打造让人目不暇给的全新美食体验。 现已开业 Now Open 05

Chelsea Garden showcases a contemporary design ambience, inviting guests to dive into an unforgettable culinary adventure in a vibrant, floral-themed setting. Drawing inspiration from London’s historic Covent Garden, a former vegetable and flower market, the food hall offers over 250 dishes, featuring Cantonese, Taiwanese, Hunan, Sichuan, and Chao Zhou. It also showcases Hong Kong café classics and Macanese street food. The dining area’s fun and lively ambience has been achieved through both the interior detailing and the presence of Streetmosphere performers, creating a vibrant culinary experience that excites and delights the senses. 冬蓉玫瑰馒头 Steamed Rose Bun Stuffed with Winter Melon Paste 精选卤水拼盘 Soy Sauce Braised Assortment Platter 06

Operation hours 营业时间 24 Hours 24小时 扫码了解更多 Scan for more details Level 1, Londoner Grand 伦敦人名汇1楼 Location 地 点 澳门水蟹粥 Macanese Crab Congee 花园焗猪扒饭 Cheese Baked Pork Chop Rice 07

The winter season is prime for enjoying the exquisite flavour of king crab. Signature restaurants at Sands Resort Macao have carefully curated an array of crab delicacies, extending an invitation for you and your family to delight in a sumptuous dining experience. In addition to the ever-popular crab dishes, Pin Yue Xuan at The Venetian Macao, La Chine at The Parisian Macao, and The Mews at The Londoner Macao now offer a variety of king crab-themed dishes, allowing you to savour a whole new world of crab deliciousness at Sands Resorts Macao. 冬日渐近,正是大啖鲜美秋蟹 的绝佳时机。澳门金沙度假区 旗下特色食府精心准备各 式蟹宴,邀你与家人一同体 验味蕾的极致享受。 除了一向广受欢迎的美味 蟹肴以外,位于澳门威尼斯人 的品粤轩、澳门巴黎人的 巴黎轩及澳门伦敦人的妙.泰 现更推出多款以皇帝蟹为 主题的精选菜式,让你解锁 品蟹的无限可能。 Sands Crab Extravaganza 至尊蟹宴 08

扫码预订及了解更多 Scan for reservation and more details 妙 . 泰 The Mews 酥炸蟹脚 Deep-fried King Crab Legs 金桂花炒蟹肉 Stir-fried Crab Meat with Conpoy, Egg and Bean Sprouts 巴黎轩 La Chine 二十年花雕蒸阿拉斯加皇帝蟹 Steamed Alaskan King Crab with Egg in 20 years "Hua Diao" Wine Sauce 潮州老菜脯焗阿拉斯加皇帝蟹 Baked Alaskan King Crab with Vintage Marinated Radish Sauce 泰式咖喱鸡蛋炒阿拉斯加皇帝蟹 Wok-fried Alaskan King Crab with Thai Yellow Curry 品粤轩 Pin Yue Xuan 09

J iAa nFge aNsat no’f SseBaof ol do dN ae nwdMS epni cue ‒ 江南新韵 海鲜与辣意的飨宴 醉江南由星级名厨梁子庚掌舵,擅长将江南地区的精致风味 以创新手法演绎,配合当季食材呈现独有滋味,令食客从中 感受季节更迭。全新的菜单将展现江南的多样风味,融合新 鲜海产和撩人的辣意,为你带来不一样的江南新韵。 新菜单更能展示江南水乡的独特魅力,新增多款海鲜佳肴让 你在每一口感受江河湖海的鲜活。特别是时令的太湖甲鱼, 无论是以江南咸肉清蒸、黄焖、还是江西家烧,皆能突显食材 独特的鲜美和丰富的口感,令人回味无穷。 10

Jiang Nan by Jereme Leung is known for putting an innovative spin on classic Jiangnan cuisine, using premium seasonal ingredients to deliver a dynamic culinary experience. The recently introduced new menu showcases a different side to the cuisine, highlighting its flavour diversity with a focus on seafood and a tantalising hint of spice. The revamped offerings also celebrate the unique charm of Jiang Nan’s waterways, bringing the freshness of rivers and oceans to your plate. A highlight is the seasonal “Taihu” soft shell turtle, cooked in variety of ways – steamed with salted pork, stewed with yellow wine, or “Jiang Xi” style farm house braised – each showcasing the ingredients’ freshness and rich textures. 毛豆鲜筍烧石蛙 Stir-fried spiny frog with edamame and fresh bamboo shoots 萍乡小炒吊龙 Wok-fried “Pingxiang” beef stripe sirloin 11

To further elevate the flavours, dishes features a subtle yet distinctive regional spiciness. This gentle warmth brings an alluring essence and a richer mouthfeel. A must-try recommendation is the Stir-fried spiny frog with edamame and fresh bamboo shoots. This dish features premium frog paired with vibrant green edamame beans and fresh bamboo shoots, expertly crafted with precision and bursting with fresh, aromatic flavours. 为丰富风味的层次感,新菜单更特别融入江南的辣味元素。 江南的辣,鲜香、温和而不刺喉,让每道菜式都散发着诱人的 韵味、拥有更丰润浓郁的口感。 另外,特别推介新精选江南菜:毛豆鲜笋烧石蛙。选用优质、 鲜美的石蛙,搭配新鲜翠绿的毛豆和脆嫩的鲜笋,经过巧妙 而讲究的烹调,呈现出鲜香四溢的绝妙口感。 太湖甲鱼 “Taihu” soft shell turtle Level 1, The Venetian Macao 澳门威尼斯人1楼 Location 地 点 +853 8118 8822 Reservation 预 订 扫码预订及了解更多 Scan for reservation and more details 12

高级腕表品牌 FRANCK MULLER 与 Jacob & Co. 进驻 澳门威尼斯人 FRANCK MULLER and Jacob & Co. Unveil New Store in The Venetian Macao 13

高级腕表品牌FRANCK MULLER于威尼斯人购物中心开设 专门店,新店不仅是品牌在亚洲的重要里程碑,更是高端腕 表爱好者的梦想之地。店面设计巧妙融合了现代与传统元 素,选用高品质材料,营造出奢华而舒适的购物环境,柔和 的灯光完美映照出每一款腕表的独特魅力与精湛工艺。专 门店内设有多个精心规划的展示区域,涵盖品牌的经典系 列、限量及最新推出款式,包括展现出非凡女性魅力的 Vanguard Lady Slim Vintage,以及融入浓厚中国传统文化 元素的限量版Vanguard Dragon Slim Skeleton,彰显品牌 独特的工艺与设计理念。 The prestigious watch brand FRANCK MULLER has opened a boutique at The Venetian Macao. Marking a significant milestone for the brand in Asia the store is a must-visit for luxury watch enthusiasts. The shop's design seamlessly blends modern and traditional elements, using high-quality materials to create an ambience that emanates natural texture and luxurious comfort. The lighting has been meticulously designed, with soft lights casting a gentle glow that highlights each timepiece in the display cabinets, showcasing the unique charm and horological craftsmanship. Featuring a number of display areas, each showcases different FRANCK MULLER collections, including classic series, limited editions, and the latest launches. Highlights include the Vanguard Lady Slim Vintage, which exudes extraordinary feminine allure, and the limited-edition Vanguard Dragon Slim Skeleton, infused with rich elements of Chinese traditional culture. 14

Jacob & Co.携手高登钟表亦已进驻威尼斯人购物中心,开 设首家澳门专门店,为顾客带来全新的奢华购物体验。店内 展示包括Astronomia Casino轮盘陀飞轮腕表、Bugatti Chiron 陀飞轮腕表,以及与C罗联名的EPICX CR7等极具代表性的创意 复杂功能腕表,展现品牌颠覆顶级制表传统的创新设计, 体现了“化不可能为可能”的品牌精神。马上亲临欣赏融合 艺术与奢华的限量腕表,享受优越的购物之旅。 15

Shop 008, Level 3, Great Hall, Shoppes at Venetian 威尼斯人购物中心, 3楼瑰丽堂008铺 Location 地 点 At the same time, Jacob & Co., in partnership with Cortina Watch, has opened its first boutique in Macao at The Venetian Macao, offering customers a brand-new luxury shopping experience. The boutique features iconic timepieces, including the Astronomia Casino double-axis tourbillon, Bugatti Chiron tourbillon, and the exclusive EPIC X CR7, a collaboration with Cristiano Ronaldo. These collections embody the brand's innovative designs and anti-convention of high-end watchmaking, demonstrating the spirit of transforming the impossible into the possible. Discover limited-edition timepieces blending art and luxury and enjoy a luxurious shopping journey. 16

金悦轩海鲜酒家 登陆澳门伦敦人 Jin Yue Xuan Restaurant Opens at Shoppes at Londoner 金悦轩致力于为顾客提供舒适、优雅轻松、充满粤菜文化的 饮食环境,在这里可以品尝传统粤菜、手工点心、生勐海鲜、 上等鲍参翅燕等地道美食。在食材上,不挑最贵,只挑最好; 以细心体贴的服务为客人提供优质用餐体验。不时不食,不 鲜不用,是金悦轩坚守的烹饪理念。 拥有数十年执厨经验的澳门厨师团队,极力保留地道澳门 滋味,选用当季食材、珍贵海产、时令鲜蔬,在继承传统粤式 烹饪技法精髓的基础上,不断创新,融合南北口味、贯通中西 烹调之道,为宾客带来一系列绝美精伦的粤式佳餚。 17

Shop 1057, Level 1, Shoppes at Londoner 伦敦人购物中心1楼1057铺 Location 地 点 Jin Yue Xuan Restaurant is committed to providing customers with a comfortable, elegant and relaxing dining environment full of Cantonese culture, where they can taste traditional Cantonese cuisine, handmade dim sum, fresh seafood, top quality ingredients, and authentic dishes. The restaurant’s culinary philosophy is “Eat at the right times and to use only the freshest ingredients”. The Macao chef team has decades of experience in the kitchen and strives to preserve authentic flavours by using seasonal ingredients, premium seafood and the freshest vegetables. The team also continues to innovate traditional Cantonese cooking techniques, blending the tastes of the both Northern and Southern China, as well as combining the best cooking methods, to provide every distinguished guest with an unforgettable and unparalleled experience of Cantonese cuisine. +853 2828 2812 Reservation 预 订 18


Floating Flower Garden: Flowers and I are of the Same Root, the Garden and I are One 漂浮的花园-花朵与我同根同源,花园与我合为一体 尽情探索 “澳门teamLab超自然空间” teamLab SuperNature Macao Delights Visitors “澳门teamLab超自然空间”推出的两组新作品空间,为访 客带来更多触动心弦的体验,包括由超过8,000朵兰花构建 而成的互动花园“漂浮的花园-花朵与我同根同源,花园与 我合为一体”以及于“EN TEA HOUSE”欣赏在茶碗中绽放的 花朵。此外,“光之雕刻-平面”系列揭晓新面貌,而“自律抽 象画,从宇宙到自身存在的连续现象”也取代其中一个现有 作品,令观赏体验更具沉浸感,万勿错过! 20

teamLab SuperNature Macao continues to impress and engage visitors with its two latest immersive artwork spaces, “Floating Flower Garden: Flowers and I are of the Same Root, the Garden and I are One”, an interactive garden artwork composed of over 8,000 living orchids that bloom in mid-air as if floating in space, and EN TEA HOUSE where visitors can watch “Flowers Bloom in an Infinite Universe inside a Teacup”. In addition, the “Light Sculpture - Plane” series has undergone a major renewal, becoming even more immersive and “Autonomous Abstraction, Continuous Phenomena from the Universe to the Self” has been added. Autonomous Abstraction, Continuous Phenomena from the Universe to the Self 自律抽象画,从宇宙到自身存在的连续现象 21

艺术团队teamLab把占地5,000平方米、高达八米的超巨型 作品群打造成一个精密复杂的立体交互空间。它同时也是个 探索人与自然,以及对世界的新认知的“沉浸式互动体验艺 术空间”,通过超越身体与艺术之间界限的体验,重新定义自 我与世界之间界限的感知,从而探索我们与世界的连续性的 新认知。 Flowers Bloom in an Infinite Universe inside a Teacup 绽放在茶碗里那无限宇宙中的花朵 22

teamLab SuperNature Macao is an immersive interactive experience, featuring cutting-edge art installations by art collective teamLab, in a massive and complex, three-dimensional space. The permanent exhibition spans over 5,000 square metres of labyrinthine floor space with impressive eight-metre high ceilings, creating a “body-immersive” art space where visitors redefine their perception of the boundaries between the self and the world. Tea Tree 茶树 23

Cotai Expo, The Venetian Macao 澳门威尼斯人 金光会展 Location 地 点 11am – 7pm 上午11时-晚上7时 Time 时 间 Regular ticket Adult MOP288 | Child MOP208 Additional fees apply for new artworks 基础门票 成人 澳门币288 | 儿童 澳门币208 全新作品需额外收费 Price 票 价 基础门票优惠 酒店住客尊享7折优惠; 另凭澳门金沙度假区任何餐厅收据 或金光飞航船票享85折。 Admission Ticket Offer Hotel guests can enjoy 30% off. Present receipts from Sands Resorts Macao restaurants or Cotai Water Jet ferry tickets to receive 15% off. Scan for Details 扫码了解详情 24

In celebration of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China and the 25th anniversary of Macao’s return to the motherland, Sands China Ltd. has invited nine outstanding Macao artists to jointly present the exhibition “Echoes of a Golden Age: Macro Events through the Micro Visions of Macao’s Legendary Contemporary Artists,” featuring 121 works spanning a variety of forms, including Chinese ink painting, oil painting, watercolour, acrylic painting, sketching, fineliner drawing, digital illustration, and photography. 为庆祝中华人民共和国成立75周年暨澳门回归祖国25周年, 金沙中国盛邀九位澳门杰出的艺术家联手呈献“盛世回归 ──宏物微观:澳门当代杰出艺术家展”,通过展出121件精 雕细琢的视觉艺术作品,涵盖国画、油画、水彩、丙烯、速写、黑 纤维笔、电绘及摄影等,向观众展示澳门独特的文化风情,共 同见证“盛世回归”的历史面貌。部分展品为曾出版的代表性 邮品及其原作,展现本地艺术家的国家情怀。展览由金沙中国 主办,澳门文化局、澳门旅游局及澳门邮电局支持。 25

The exhibition showcases the unique cultural appeal of Macao and inviting viewers to witness the historical ‘Echoes of a Golden Age’ together. Some of the works featured in this exhibition are philatelic products and their original artworks, which are also a representation of the local artists’ patriotism. The exhibition is organised by Sands China with the support from the Cultural Affairs Bureau, Macao Government Tourism Office, and Macao Post and Telecommunications Bureau. 26

Sands Gallery, Level 6, The Grand Suites at Four Seasons 澳门四季名荟6楼 金沙艺廊 Location 地 点 September 21, 2024 – January 5, 2025 11:00 – 19:00 2024 年 9 月 21 日 至 2025 年 1 月 5 日 11:00 ‒ 19:00 Exhibition Period 展览日期 扫码了解更多 Scan for more details 黎鹰以水彩风景画着名;陆曦擅长速写,近年也涉足水彩、 油画;吴卫坚擅水彩、速写;吴卫鸣最擅长速写;廖文畅 水彩、油画及国画皆有涉足;李得之以国画着称,兼水彩; 陈显耀是名摄影师,以拍摄澳门风景人物见称;区坤健涉足 水彩、丙烯及电绘;林子恩为设计师,又以水彩作品闻名。 Lai Ieng is known for watercolour landscapes. Lok Hei is adept at sketches and has also created watercolours and oil paintings in recent years. Ng Wai Kin is skilled at watercolours and sketches, whereas Ung Vai Meng is most adept at sketches. Lio Man Cheong is engaged in the creation of watercolours, oil paintings, and Chinese ink paintings. Lei Tak Seng is known for his Chinese ink paintings and has also painted watercolours. Chan Hin Io is an acclaimed photographer known for capturing the landscapes and people in Macao. Ao Kuan Kin is engaged in the creation of watercolours, acrylic paintings, and digital illustrations. Lam Chi Ian is a designer who is also known for his watercolours. Free Admission 免费入场 27

冬日精选滋养护理 Exclusive Nourishing Care Collection for Winter 干细胞紧致抗衰面部护理 澳门币�,���*起 Cfreolml PMreOmPi�u,m��A�nti-Ageing Facial * 以瑞士突破性 PhytoCellTec™生物技术研发并萃取植物的 干细胞,此项疗程适合不同类型的皮肤,有效延缓皮肤衰老, 帮助细胞再生,从而达至逆龄效果。客制化疗程适合需要 紧致和提升肌肤弹性的宾客。 *价格须另加10%服務费及5%政府税; 条款及细则适用 28

+853 8112 8080 Reservation 预 订 The Spa, Level 4, Four Seasons Hotel Macao 澳门四季酒店4楼,澳门四季酒店水疗中心 Location 地 点 Using Swiss PhytoCellTec™ biotechnology, this customised treatment employs plant stem cells to slow ageing, regenerate cells, and renew skin. Suitable for all skin types, it enhances elasticity, firmness, and density, leaving you with a youthful, vibrant glow. Perfect for skin needing firming and elasticity, indulge in the future of skincare today. *Price is subject to 10% service charge and 5% government tax; Terms & Conditions apply 29

年轻亮肌之旅 澳门币�,���*起 在瑞吉水疗中心体验真我疗愈之旅,开启一场感官与艺术 的沉浸式体验。年轻亮肌之旅使用思蒂产品,融合先进技术 及高端稀有成分,提供具即时可见的护理效果,让皮肤保持 年轻状态。 *所有价格须另加5%政府税; 条款及细则适用 Illuminate & Lift from MOP�,���* 30

Experience a rare retreat at St. Regis Spa, a sensorial escape honouring the art of decadence. The Illuminate & Lift treatment using Sothys products, captures the best of science and rare ingredients with instant, visible results to preserve skin youth. *Price is subject to 5% government tax; Terms & Conditions apply +853 8113 4949 Reservation 预 订 St. Regis Spa, Level 38, The St. Regis Macao 澳门瑞吉酒店38楼,瑞吉水疗中心 Location 地 点 31

60分钟的全身按摩巧妙地融合了亚洲与欧洲的按摩技艺精 粹,配合温热的柑橘和肉桂精油,促进全身气血流动,缓解 压力和肌肉紧绷状态。再搭配法国海洋专业护理品牌 Thalgo 进行60分钟的螺旋藻赋活亮彩面部护理,焕发肌肤 活力。完成此疗程后,宾客将获赠“Thalgo海洋赋活焕采面 膜”,让您的皮肤在家也能保持活力光彩状态。 推广日期:2024年12月1日至2025年2月28日 *所有价格须另加5%政府税;条款及细则适用 ���分钟奢享冬日焕活护理 澳门币 �,���*起 ���-minute Winter Glow from MOP�,���* 32

Indulge in a 60-minute deeply therapeutic massage combining practiced Asian and European techniques, with grounding oils of mandarin and warming cinnamon oils to improve the energy flow and circulation. This seasonal ritual is completed with another 60-minute Thalgo Spiruline Booster Marine Facial to revive dull and tired skin. Package includes a complimentary Thalgo Beauty Radiance Mask to take home. Promotion Period: December 1, 2024 to February 28, 2025 *Price is subjected to 5% government tax; Terms & Conditions apply. +853 8111 1221 Reservation 预 订 Le SPA’tique, Level 6, The Parisian Macao 澳门巴黎人6楼,丽舍水疗中心 Location 地 点 33

疗程以90分钟的深层按摩展开,环绕在温暖的热石中,令全身 心享受着深度的疗愈。使用与冬季最为契合、混合百里香和杜 松的“水”元素精油,平衡和调理体内多余的水分。配合30分钟 面部护理疗程让肌肤补水,提供充分的滋养。沉浸于舒缓的茉 莉花和橙花香气中,引领您进入深度放松状态,一夜好眠。 推广日期:2024年12月1日至2025年2月28日 *所有价格须另加5%政府税;条款及细则适用 ���分钟LAPIDEM暖冬疗愈之旅 澳门币�,���*起 ���-minute LAPIDEM Winter Warmer from MOP�,���* 34

+853 8113 6188 Reservation 预 订 Bodhi Spa, Level 3, Conrad Macao 澳门康莱德酒店3楼,菩提水疗 Location 地 点 The massage begins with the healing energy of the warm stones combined with a deep, flowing 90-miunte massage. Using a blend of Thyme and Juniper, the elemental oil of ‘water’ is most associated with the winter season, working to balance and eliminate excess fluid in the body. It is also complemented with a 30-minute facial treatment that hydrates and nourishes the skin. Soothing aromas of jasmine and neroli lull you into a deep relaxation ready for a good night's sleep. Promotion Period: December 1, 2024 to February 28, 2025 *Price is subjected to 5% government tax; Terms & Conditions apply. 35