金沙荟萃 What's On

WHAT’S NEW 第��期 ・ ����年�月及�月 ISSUE �� · JULY & AUGUST ���� 滋味美馔 ���+ DINING CHOICES 本期潮流热点 ��� LUXURY DUTY- FREE SHOPS 本期焦点 旅享金沙缤纷盛夏 Live the Sands Lifestyle this Summer 美食对话:澳门威尼斯人“品粤轩” Gourmet Talk: Pin Yue Xuan at The Venetian Macao 醉江南推出两款午膳菜单 Discover the Flavours of Jiangnan: Lunch Menu Duo Louis Vuitton限时概念店和 精品亭带来全新购物体验 Louis Vuitton Unveils Pop-Up Store at The Londoner Macao

29 CONTENT 两款午膳菜单 让舌尖游走江南 17Discover the Flavours of Jiangnan: Lunch Menu Duo 旅享金沙缤纷盛夏 01Live the Sands Lifestyle this Summer 美食对话:澳门威尼斯人“品粤轩” 14Gourmet Talk: Pin Yue Xuan at The Venetian Macao Sandbox VR强势登陆澳门伦敦人 24Sandbox VR Opens at The Londoner Macao Louis Vuitton限时概念店和精品亭带来全新购物体验 29Louis Vuitton Unveils Pop-Up Store at The Londoner Macao 01 14 24 目录

夏日炎炎,何以消暑?不妨与亲朋好友在澳门金沙度假区, 展开一场缤纷的五感夏日派对!从清凉透心的户外活动、缤 纷夺目的美馔体验,以至色彩斑斓的沉浸式“夏日花园”,金 沙旅享定必能为你的假期加添欢乐的夏日色彩! Looking for ways to beat the summer heat? Gather your friends and family for an unforgettable summer party at Sands Resorts Macao. Dive into refreshing outdoor activities, indulge in vibrant culinary delights, and immerse yourself in the colourful “Summer Garden”. Your vacation is set to get a whole lot more colourful this summer with Sands Lifestyle. 旅享金沙缤纷盛夏 Live the Sands Lifestyle this Summer 01

若想悠闲地享受夏天的阳光与活力,各酒店内的泳池区域 絶对是旅途上的不二之选。当中,澳门巴黎人的水世界更是 大人小孩畅享水上乐趣的避暑之所。 For a leisurely and sunny summer escape, the pools at our hotels are second to none. Aqua World at The Parisian Macao, for example, offers the perfect refreshing escape for both adults and children to enjoy endless water fun. 消暑的池畔时光 Cool Off Poolside 扫码了解更多 Scan for more details 02

来到港澳唯一的米其林二星淮扬菜食府,除了不能错过尽显 精湛刀工和厨艺的蟹肉蛋白文思豆腐羮等招牌菜,当中的冷 菜秘酱核桃仁番茄更是我们在盛夏的私心推介! 满足视觉味觉的缤纷美馔 Colourful Feast for the Eyes and Palate The Huaiyang Garden 淮扬晓宴 The Huaiyang Garden, the only Huaiyang cuisine restaurant in Hong Kong and Macao with two Michelin stars is known for consummate knife and cooking skills. Two not-to-be-missed summer dishes that demonstrate this perfectly are Shredded bean curd with crab meat and egg white in superior soup, and Cherry tomatoes filled with walnuts and homemade sauce. Shredded bean curd with crab meat and egg white in superior soup 蟹肉蛋白文思豆腐羮 03

特意选用色泽鲜亮、多肉饱满的特级荷兰番茄,去皮后在果 肉里放入松脆坚果及秘制酱汁,最后裹上一层由十九个番茄 制成的果冻,轻轻缀上黄色花瓣,视觉味觉层次丰富融合,是 一道充满夏日气息的缤纷美馔。 This delightful dish, wafting summer vibes, pays homage to the Dutch cherry tomato. Handpicked for juicy plumpness, the peeled tomato is filled with a delightful contrast of crispy nuts and a secret, flavour-packed sauce. The crowning glory is a layer of tomato jelly, made from a blend of 19 tomatoes, adorned with delicate yellow flower petals. This visual and taste masterpiece is a sensational summer appetiser. Cherry tomatoes filled with walnuts and homemade sauce 秘酱核桃仁番茄 04

除了一尝米其林二星名厨Henrique Sá Pessoa的招牌葡式 鳕鱼伴慢煮蛋黄与洋葱泥等名菜以外,赏心悦目的甜品海韵 柚子雪葩配糖霜海藻绝对是这个夏天的絶佳之选。 Savour the ultimate summer indulgence with two-Michelin-starred chef, Henrique Sá Pessoa at Chiado. The signature “Cobblestreet” salted cod paired with egg yolk and onion purée, or Sea flavours with zesty yuzu and crystallised algae to refresh the palate, are both gourmet experiences not to be missed. “Cobblestreet” salted cod, egg yolk and onion purée 葡式鳕鱼伴慢煮蛋黄与洋葱泥 Chiado 希雅度葡国餐厅 05

以缤纷的珊瑚蓝紫色作主调,巧妙地将海藻及柚子等元素以 多种方式完美融合,为你带来入口绽放的海洋之美。 Coral blue infused with purple, the vibrant dish incorporates ingredients such as seaweed and citrus, bringing you the beauty and flavours of the sea in every bite. Sea flavours and citrus, yuzu sorbet and crystallised algae 海韵柚子雪芭配糖霜海藻 06

Crispy Sago Langoustine, Crispy Fish Cracker and Ikura 鱼籽脆皮螯虾沙拉 Sunflower Chicken Tom Kha Soup 椰香葵花鸡汤 The Mews 妙•泰 酸辣的泰式美馔絶对是炎夏的开胃选择!来到隐藏于一道神 秘大门后的妙‧泰餐厅,除了定必要品尝鱼籽脆皮螯虾沙拉 等招牌菜式外,在两款尝味菜单中出现的薄荷姜果西瓜雪 芭,更是让眼球与味蕾消暑的缤纷沁凉之选。 Thai cuisine is a sensational remedy for the scorching summer heat. Step through the mysterious doorway into The Mews and enjoy the signature Crispy Sago Langoustine, Crispy Fish Cracker and Ikura, and Watermelon Sorbet with Torch Ginger Jelly and Mint Essence featured on the tasting menus, a treat for all the senses this summer. 07

Churchill’s Table 丘吉尔餐厅 踏进位于水晶金殿大堂的丘吉尔餐厅,展开一场缤纷梦幻的 “奇妙甜点品尝旅程”。当中的“英伦玫瑰”以桌上花园的姿态 现身,让你在观赏餐桌旁的表演与享受甜蜜滋味的同时,一 口拥有夏天的热情与活力。 Located at Crystal Palace, Churchill’s Table takes you on a dreamlike “Dessert Tasting Journey”. “The English rose” stands out in a mini edible garden prepared tableside, leading diner through a sweet journey filled with magic this summer. 想把度假区的缤纷体验带回家?不妨到旁边的丘吉尔精品 店,选购每天手工制作的酱心酥饼,六款口味加上多巴胺色 系的造型,定必成为这个缤纷夏日最合适伴手礼。 The delights don’t end there! Step into the adjacent Churchill’s Table Boutique and take home a taste of this vibrant experience. The daily handmade Jammie Custard Cream come in six delectable flavours and colours; these unique biscuits are the perfect edible gift in this summer. Jammie Custard Cream 酱心酥饼 Dessert Tasting Journey 奇妙甜点品尝旅程 08

隐身澳门威尼斯人的唯美花园 A Hidden Garden Wonderland “澳门teamLab超自然空间” 推出的两组新作品空间,为访 客带来更多触动心弦的体验,包括由超过8,000朵兰花构建 而成的互动花园“漂浮的花园-花朵与我同根同源,花园与 我合为一体”以及于“EN TEA HOUSE”欣赏在茶碗中绽放 的花朵。此外,“光之雕刻-平面”系列揭晓新面貌,而“自 律抽象画,从宇宙到自身存在的连续现象”也取代其中一个 现有作品,令观赏体验更具沉浸感,万勿错过! Floating Flower Garden: Flowers and I are of the Same Root, the Garden and I are One 漂浮的花园-花朵与我同根同源,花园与我合为一体 09

teamLab SuperNature Macao continues to impress and engage visitors with its two latest immersive artwork spaces, “Floating Flower Garden: Flowers and I are of the Same Root, the Garden and I are One”, an interactive garden artwork composed of over 8,000 living orchids that bloom in mid-air as if floating in space, and EN TEA HOUSE where visitors can watch “Flowers Bloom in an Infinite Universe inside a Teacup”. In addition, the “Light Sculpture - Plane” series has undergone a major renewal, becoming even more immersive and “Autonomous Abstraction, Continuous Phenomena from the Universe to the Self” has been added. Autonomous Abstraction, Continuous Phenomena from the Universe to the Self 自律抽象画,从宇宙到自身存在的连续现象 10

艺术团队teamLab把占地5,000平方米、高达八米的超巨型 作品群打造成一个精密复杂的立体交互空间。它同时也是个 探索人与自然,以及对世界的新认知的“沉浸式互动体验艺 术空间”,通过超越身体与艺术之间界限的体验,重新定义自 我与世界之间界限的感知,从而探索我们与世界的连续性的 新认知。 Flowers Bloom in an Infinite Universe inside a Teacup 绽放在茶碗里那无限宇宙中的花朵 11

teamLab SuperNature Macao is an immersive interactive experience, featuring cutting-edge art installations by art collective teamLab, in a massive and complex, three-dimensional space. The permanent exhibition spans over 5,000 square metres of labyrinthine floor space with impressive eight-metre high ceilings, creating a “body-immersive” art space where visitors redefine their perception of the boundaries between the self and the world. Tea Tree 茶树 12

Cotai Expo, The Venetian Macao 澳门威尼斯人 金光会展 Location 地 点 11am – 7pm 上午11时-晚上7时 Time 时 间 Regular ticket Adult MOP288 | Child MOP208 Additional fees apply for new artworks 基础门票 成人 澳门币288 | 儿童 澳门币208 全新作品需额外收费 Price 票 价 基础门票优惠 酒店住客尊享7折优惠; 另凭澳门金沙度假区任何餐厅收据 或金光飞航船票享85折。 Admission Ticket Offer Hotel guests can enjoy 30% off. Present receipts from Sands Resorts Macao restaurants or Cotai Water Jet ferry tickets to receive 15% off. Scan for Details 扫码了解详情 13

Gourmet Talk: Pin Yue Xuan at The Venetian Macao 美食对话: 澳门威尼斯人 “品粤轩” “There is plenty of room for creativity in Cantonese cuisine. While not disregarding traditional techniques, we place a greater emphasis on using premium ingredients, rather than rigidly adhering to prescribed recipes.” - Darren Cheung. 「粤菜有很多的创意空间。 我们不忘传统技法,但比起盲目遵守菜谱,我们更重视使用优质食材。」 ⸺品粤轩行政总厨 张锦东 14

当聊到他融合传统与创新的菜单时,张总厨特别推荐其中的 金汤海斑鱼饺。其用料严谨且制作过程繁复,饺皮以天然色 素着色,模仿金鱼身上的绚丽色彩;内馅选用新鲜的石斑鱼 肉,放入馅料后搓揉成逼真的金鱼形态,从头到尾皆细緻精 巧;蒸煮温度亦必须恰到好处,才能保留鱼肉本身鲜嫩的味 道与口感又不失其形,可见匠心处处。 品粤轩以“品”字当头,有品尝和品味之意,也是行政总厨张 锦东主理餐厅时的核心宗旨。他分享道:“品字有三个口,分 别指品茗、品酒、品佳餚。”张总厨以现代手法演绎的粤菜,配 上顶级中国茶饮和一流酒单,将这三个“品”混合得挥洒自 如,把粤菜的美味推至新高度,更带领品粤轩跻身2024米其 林入选餐厅。 15

Level 1, The Venetian Macao 澳门威尼斯人1楼 Location 地 点 +853 8118 8822 Reservation 预 订 At the heart of Michelin Selected Pin Yue Xuan (品粤轩) is the first character, ‘pin’, which loosely translates to taste or appreciate, and has been a main source of inspiration for executive chef, Darren Cheung. “The character pin (品) has three mouths, as each square radical means ‘mouth’ in Chinese, and for me, each mouth represents tasting tea, tasting wine and tasting delicacies.” By integrating these three Cheung elevates traditional Cantonese fare to new heights. It is no wonder Pin Yue Xuan has earned its right place among the prestigious Michelin-Selected restaurants of 2024. When exploring the menu that marries tradition and innovation, the exquisite Golden fish dumpling with grouper and crab roe stands out as chef’s recommendation. Using meticulously-sourced ingredients and expert skills, the dumpling skin is coloured with natural pigments and mirrors the resplendent hues of goldfish with a stuffing of premium groper and roe, before being perfectly steamed. From the first bite to the last, each dumpling showcases artistry and finesse and is a testament to culinary excellence. Golden fish dumpling with grouper and crab roe 金汤海斑鱼饺 16

醉江南由星级名厨梁子庚掌舵,擅长将江南地区的精緻风味 以创新手法演绎,配合当季食材呈现独有滋味,令食客从中 感受季节更迭。 每天限量供应的“尝 . 江南”午膳品尝菜单以精选前菜拼盘拉 开帷幕,当中包括无菌花雕醉膏蟹、松江咸香脆皮鸡等多款 餐厅的招牌菜式,令人食指大动;热菜方面,特意打造了迷你 版的八宝葫芦鸭等极具代表性的江南菜式,让你精緻品尝 兩款午膳菜单 让舌尖游走江南 Discover the Flavours of Jiangnan: Lunch Menu Duo 17

传统滋味。另一“面面俱到”午膳菜单则主打本帮手工面,自 家特制的面条筋道弹牙,搭配特色江南小吃及点心,完美呈 献江南风味。 Jiang Nan by Jereme Leung is known for putting an innovative spin on classic Jiangnan cuisine, using premium seasonal ingredients that deliver a dynamic culinary experience. At lunch diners have a choice of two tempting menus, including the Jiang Nan Tasting Lunch set menu, which due to its intricacies is made each day in limited quantities only. This mesmerising Jiangnan cuisine tapestry begins with a selection of signature appetisers, including House signature drunken crab in Shaoxing Huadiao wine, and “Songjiang” style crispy skin salted chicken. The main courses are Jiangnan cuisine classics, with a highlight being the Mini eight treasures braised duck with glutinous rice. Noodle fans should opt for the Jiang Nan Seasonal Lunch set menu, which includes a choice of noodle dish, and other authentic Jiangnan snacks and dim sum favourites, every bite bursting with the flavour of Jiangnan. 18

588* Jiang Nan Tasting Lunch Set Menu 「醉江南」品尝菜单 MOP 澳门币 per person 每位 388* Jiang Nan Seasonal Lunch Set Menu 「醉江南」面面俱到午膳菜单 MOP 澳门币 per person 每位 Eight treasures braised duck with glutinous rice 八宝葫芦鸭 Classic Jiang Nan Appetisers 精选醉江南前菜 Level 1, The Venetian Macao 澳门威尼斯人1楼 Location 地 点 +853 8118 8822 Reservation 预 订 扫码预订及了解更多 Scan for reservation and more details 19

位于澳门伦敦人水晶金殿大堂的丘吉尔餐厅推出焕新菜单, 全新升级的餐饮选项为食客带来更多滋味!当中包括放置两 只龙虾及十二只生蚝的国王海鲜塔、龙虾海鲜烩饭、小牛脆 扒,以及多款创意满分的趣味甜点等,与你展开一场华美的 多感官盛宴。 Churchill’s Table has launched a new a la carte menu including signatures that are sure to become favourites. The newly updated options include The King’s tower, a generous seafood tower that includes two lobsters and a dozen oysters; Lobster seafood risotto; crispy Cotoletta; and an array of creative desserts. Join us for a magnificent sensory feast. 升级菜单 焕新亮相 Indulge in a New Menu 20

The King’s tower 国王海鲜塔 Level 1, The Londoner Macao 澳门伦敦人1楼 Location 地 点 +853 8118 8822 Reservation 预 订 扫码预订及了解更多 Scan for reservation and more details 21

澳门伦敦人的安德鲁饼店及咖啡店现已开业,店铺向始创人 兼享誉亚洲的澳门蛋挞创造者安德鲁先生致敬。现场除了提 供每天新鲜烘焙蛋挞外,更有各种酥皮、蛋糕、三文治、沙律, 以及多款由安德鲁先生原创菜式供你选择。当中包括意式牛 肉千层宽面、澳葡式肉饼和英式农村馅饼。到伦敦人购物中 心打造属于自己的安德鲁回忆吧! 全澳最大安德鲁饼店及 咖啡店进驻澳门伦敦人 Lord Stow’s Bakery & Café Opens at Shoppes at Londoner 22

Location 地 点 Level 1, The Londoner Macao 伦敦人购物中心2楼2113号铺 Lord Stow’s Bakery & Café is now officially open at Shoppes at Londoner in The Londoner Macao. The outlet is a loving tribute to the company’s founder and creator of Macao’s iconic egg tart, Mr. Andrew Stow. Apart from freshly baked tarts, diners can also look forward to a wide selection of pastries, cakes, sandwiches, salads and more “Andrew originals”such as Traditional beef lasagne, Macanese capella, and Cornish pasty. Come and savour the creations of a true Macao food legend at Shoppes at Londoner. 23

Sandbox VR 强势登陆澳门伦敦人 Sandbox VR Opens at The Londoner Macao 在这里,一切皆有可能!全 球目前最逼真的 VR 尖端 体验Sandbox VR于2017 年成立,已设有48个据点, 业务范围涵盖香港、上海、 新加坡、澳洲、瑞士、英国、 德国、美国等地,现更登陆 澳门伦敦人。 Sandbox VR的体验使用 最新VR硬件技术及好萊塢 电影级别实时动作捕捉装 备。佩戴头戴式耳机、VR眼 罩、体感衣、长枪、短枪或 拳套等装备的VR玩家们, 与队友全身融合在虚拟实 境游戏中。游戏室内更全方位安装感应相机以及风扇等设 备,令玩家更有投入感。 现时的Sandbox VR体验包括《鱿鱼游戏:虚拟对决》、《魔石 战记:龙之焰》、《尸森血谷》、《尸森大宅》、《钢铁星空2088》、 《海魔的诅咒》、《星空奇遇记:探索之旅》、《无尽对决UFL》。 24

Established in 2017, Sandbox VR is the most realistic full-body VR experience in the world with 48 sites located around the world, including Hong Kong, Shanghai, Singapore, Australia, Canada, Switzerland, Germany, United Kingdom, the US, and now The Londoner Macao. Sandbox VR is designed with different technology than home virtual reality and can provide a full-body virtual reality experience. Players have a real-life experience thanks to the VR equipment - headsets, goggles, body-sensitive clothing, long guns, short guns, boxing gloves, and technology - sensor cameras, fans and other omni-directionally equipment. Here nothing is impossible! 25

Shop 2213a & 2215, Level 2, Shoppes at Londoner, The Londoner Macao 伦敦人购物中心2楼2213a & 2215铺 Location 地 点 +853 68612389 Tel电 话 扫码预订及了解更多 Scan for reservation and more details Current Sandbox VR experiences include "Squid Game Virtual", "Seekers of the Shard: Dragonfire", "Deadwood Valley", "Deadwood Mansion", "Amber Sky 2088", "Curse of Davy Jones", "Star Trek: Discovery Away Mission" and "UFL". 26

艺术一隅: 澳门伦敦人华庭 Art Corner: The Residence at The Londoner Macao 位于澳门伦敦人三楼 的住客专属会所“华 庭”占地超过1,100平 方米,设有多个以不 同英国名人为设计灵 感的用餐及社交空间, 让你在享用自助早餐、 英式下午茶、全日轻食 及鸡尾酒的同时,沉浸 于英伦上流社会的奢 华生活和品味格调。当 中的每件饰品都经过精心挑选,而这次,我们为你带来华庭 酒吧区域的艺术一隅。 当你步入深受前英国首相丘吉尔爵士所启发的酒吧区域, 会发现在酒吧台旁的墙上,饰着一幅出自美国艺术家Troy Dugas之手的委约作品。以制作再造纸挂毯而闻名的他,经 常将标籤、帐本、书页和彩绘羊皮纸等超乎想像的材料,转 化成复杂的艺术品。在华庭的这幅作品中,他则用上大量的 雪茄标籤来制作,向与雪茄有着不解之缘的丘吉尔爵士作 深深的致敬。 27

Located on the third floor of The Londoner Macao, the exclusive guests' club "The Residence" spans over 1,100 square metres and features various dining and social spaces, with a design that pays a nod to famous British personalities. Here, hotel guests can enjoy a buffet breakfast, English afternoon tea, all-day light bites and cocktails, all while being immersed in the luxurious lifestyle and sophisticated ambience of British high society. Today, we present an artistic corner of The Residence's bar area. As you step into the bar, inspired by former British Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill, is a commissioned piece by American artist, Troy Dugas, adorning the wall beside the bar. Known for his intricate art made from recycled paper products, Dugas transforms labels, ledgers, book pages, painted parchment etc., into complex art works. For this particular work he used numerous cigar labels to create this masterpiece, paying tribute to Churchill, who is famously associated with cigars. 28

Louis Vuitton 限时概念店和精品亭 带来全新购物体验 Louis Vuitton Unveils Pop-Up Store at The Londoner Macao Louis Vuitton于澳门伦敦人开设的限时概念店和精品亭提 供全新的零售体验,展示一系列精选配饰和礼品、女士和男 士旅行箱包、皮革制品、鞋子等,让顾客享受独特而个性化 的购物体验。限时概念店以简约精緻的设计引人注目,成功 将当代氛围与俏皮感融为一体,定义了现代而时尚的美学。 29

Louis Vuitton has unveiled a pop-up store and kiosk at The Londoner Macao with an array of exclusive luxury items available, including accessories, gifts, women’s and men’s travel luggage, leather goods and shoes, providing customers with a unique shopping experience. The design combines minimalist sophistication with contemporary charm, defining the concept of modern fashion aesthetics. The store presents a captivating range of offerings across various categories, including products designed with travellers in mind, such as the Just In Case Monogram Reverse Canvas, the Capucines collection, the new iconic Horizon collection, and the LV Nanogram speaker. Shop 1019&1019a, Level 1, Shoppes at Londoner 伦敦人购物中心1楼1019及1019a铺 Location 地 點 顾客可以在限时概念店中随意选购跨类别的迷人产品,包括 能完美衬托任何旅行女性身影的Just In Case Monogram Reverse Canvas及Capucines手袋、标志性的Horizon行李 箱系列,以及便携的高科技时尚配饰LV Nanogram扩音器等。 30

佔地超过2,000平方呎,港澳地区最大的TUMI专门店已于 威尼斯人购物中心焕新开幕,新任全球品牌大使文佳煐,自 信诠释品牌最新ASRA系列的优雅魅力,时尚高雅气质令人 移不开视线。店铺特设贵宾休息室,旨在为顾客提供更私密 舒适的尊属购物体验。 TUMI 于澳门威尼斯人 焕新开幕 TUMI Opens Refreshed Store in The Venetian Macao 31

Shop 2707 & 2708, Level 3, Shoppes at Venetian 威尼斯人购物中心3楼2707及2708铺 Location 地 點 Spanning over 2,000 square feet, the biggest TUMI store in Hong Kong and Macao, has opened at The Venetian Macao. TUMI’s new global brand ambassador, Mun Ka Young features in the marketing materials in-store, confidently showcasing the elegant charm of the latest ASRA collection with her captivating aura. Offering best-in-class service, the store has introduced an exclusive, private client experience at its VIP lounge. 32

悠然享受 夏日水疗护理 Pamper with Summer Spa Treatments 惬意午后时光 澳门币�,���*两位 Unwinding Afternoon Moment MOP�,���* 约上你的挚爱或闺蜜,在澳门喜来登大酒店共度惬意午后 时光。先在炫逸水疗享用60分钟双人特色按摩舒缓身心,再 到喜公馆享用英式下午茶,感受愉悦时刻。宾客更可获赠价 值澳门币1,088的香水套装一份,数量有限,送完为止。 *价格须另加收5%政府税 *条款及细则适用 33

Spend a relaxing afternoon with your beloved or bestie at Sheraton Grand Macao. Begin with a 60-minute signature massage at Shine Spa that will set your body and mind at ease, followed by British afternoon tea at The Conservatory for a wonderfully relaxing time. You will be receiving a complimentary perfume set valued at MOP1,088. Perfume set is available while stock lasts. *Price is subject to 5% government tax *Terms and conditions apply +853 8113 0222 Reservation 预 订 Shine Spa, Sheraton Grand Macao 澳门喜来登大酒店 炫逸水疗 Location 地 点 34

冰凉活肤脸部护理 澳门币�,���* 60分钟的冰凉活肤面部护理透过CRYO眼部冷冻按摩技术, 配合CRYO专利工具进行按摩,唤醒眼部和面部娇嫩的肌 肤,促进血液循环和淋巴排毒,让皮肤的天然水油平衡得以 恢復,回復水润饱满,维持清爽健康的肌肤,让您由内而外 焕发持久光彩。 *价格须另加5%政府税 Cryo Refresh Facial MOP�,���* 35

Experience the refreshing feeling of a cryotherapy facial with our 60-minute Cryo Refresh Facial. The skin is delicately massaged with CRYO- Eyecicle® and artisan techniques, and aims to enhance blood circulation and encourage toxin drainage, for a revitalised and hydrated complexion. As a result, skin cell regrowth is enhanced, revealing a balanced, tightened, brightened and smoother appearance. *Price is subject to 5% government tax +853 8112 8080 Reservation 预 订 The Spa, Four Seasons Hotel Macao 澳门四季酒店水疗中心 Location 地 点 36

60分钟的深层肌肉按摩结合中式按摩手法并使用混合柠檬 和洋甘菊等有机精油,放松身心,提升睡眠质素。再透过糅 合多种夏季水果维他命成份的30分钟龙葵果面部护理,为 肌肤补充水分,恢復自然活力。疗程完成后,宾客将获赠价 值澳门币538的“Zents 身体护理产品”。 推广日期:即日至8月31日 *价格须另加5%政府税 能量流动 澳门币 �,���* Energy Flow MOP�,���* 37

A 60-minute strong massage combining deep tissue and Chinese techniques using organic oils, blended with lemon and soothing chamomile relaxes the body and aids sleep. The treatment is completed with a 30-minute refreshing wonderberry facial, packed with the vitamins of summer fruits to rehydrate and rejuvenate the skin. Guests will be receiving a take home gift set “Zents Body Product” valued at MOP538. Promotion Date: Now until 31 Aug *Price is subject to 5% government tax +853 8111 1221 Reservation 预 订 Le SPA’tique, The Parisian Macao 澳门巴黎人 丽舍水疗中心 Location 地 点 38

疗程以90分钟的深层按摩展开,採用混合柠檬和洋甘菊等 有机精油舒缓肌肉酸痛,配合30分钟的身体磨砂或清凉澄 净面部护理,让肌肤焕发夏日光彩!宾客除可获赠价值澳门 币299的“Soapsmith 手部及身体润肤乳液”,更可选择升级 30分钟私人水疗套房。 推广日期:即日至8月31日 *价格须另加5%政府税 夏之静谧 澳门币�,���*起 Summer Serenity MOP�,���* 39

A full body overhaul begins with a 90-minute deeply therapeutic massage using organic oils blended with lemon and soothing chamomile to ease aches and pains. It is also complemented with your choice of a 30-minute body scrub or a 30-minute refreshing summer your skin the ultimate summer glow. Guests will be receiving a take home gift set “Soapsmith hand & body lotion” valued at MOP299, and choose to upgrade to a 30-minute private Spa Suite. Promotion Date: Now until 31 Aug *Price is subject to 5% government tax +853 8113 6188 Reservation 预 订 Bodhi Spa, Conrad Macao 澳门康莱德酒店 菩提水疗 Location 地 点 40